Friday, August 14, 2009


Well, i've been having some sleeping problems latley and it's actually been really good the last few night's, witch is really good, because im at my Grandparent's and all!!! So back to the story!! Me and Aly were sleeping in the same bed two night's in a row!!! I know it sounds dreadful doesen't it!!!!! So the problem was that she was moving so much in her sleep that it was shaking the bed so much!!! So i finally woke my mom up!!! This is what i said ... "mom Aly keeps on moving around and i can't get to sleep anyway!!!" And im guessing she wasen't suprised, when u said that!!! So she came in my room and mmoved aly over. Then she asked me " kami do you have to go to the bathroom?" And i said " ummmmm.... yeah sure i do!" So we went down stairs, and went to the bathroom and then after that we went in the kitchen to get a drink, and you will never geuss who it was!!! It was grand pa Holdridge!!!!! HA!!!! So we went up the stairs and went to bed and that was my night!!!


Kami Holdridge said...

i do have a hard time sleeping with aly!!!

Kami Holdridge said...

i don't care to sleep with tay either!! i hope my husband is a non wiggely sleeper!!! HA!!

Kami Holdridge said...